just finished another interview
so tired of being asked about cpp
now i start to appreciate being frank. at least i enjoyed the talk. the guy's first line was: this is a developer position with intensive emphasis on cpp.....blablablah....
hehe. anyway, it is good to talk to another boiler maker, and apparently i am not ready for such position, or i am not really interested in such position? i needs some serious thought
so, the good news is that i can at least work on my research in the next week, and followed by a break in FL. every time in FL is an adventure, and hope this 3rd time will bring me something extraordinary
太累了被询问的C + +
现在我开始欣赏直言。至少我所享有的交谈。这个家伙的第一行是:这是一个密集的重点在C ++..... blablablah ....开发商的立场
赫赫。无论如何,这是很好的交谈,另一锅炉制造商,显然我不准备这样的位置,或者我不是真的这么职位感兴趣? i需要一些认真思考